Giving Back - 8 Billion Trees
2021-11-18 22:49:48

8 Billion Trees was founded with a simple idea: if people can destroy the Earth, they can also help to rebuild it.

As Digital Nomads we travel a lot with work and we love to see as much of this beautiful world as we can, however, our travel hasn't been without some shocks of just how much we are impacting our planet. From our beach cleans to our volunteering work we are committed to making a difference and being kinder and gentler to the world. We are pleased to say as a team we are carbon positive and offset our own footprint with a wonderful charity called 8 Billion trees, not only that we also have vowed to plant a tree for every single customer we onboard across our business. Why not have a look at their Carbon calculator and get an idea of your footprint? 

Why did we choose 8 billion trees?
You can read about their story here The reason we love them is that, At its core, 8 Billion Trees carries out large-scale tree planting and tree conservation operations to fuel positive environmental change and defend habitats for animals, while also caring for displaced and hurt animals by utilizing wildlife sanctuaries and veterinary clinics focused on devastated and deforested areas. There is no end to their work and the lives they are touching, from protecting older trees to tending to nurseries of new seedlings, furthermore working with the animals that are so in need of our help as our fellow humans destroy their habitat. We also know this needs to come with education and being progressive, always seeking ways forward, and collaborating to a shared goal

8 Billion Trees was founded with a simple idea: if people can destroy the Earth, they can also help to rebuild it.

How can you get involved? 
Well, you already are, if you're a customer with us you have planted a tree, thank you so much for this. But yes as our impact increases on the planet we must do more..
- Referrals and recommendations - Remember we plant for every customer we onboard, so tell your friends and family and spread the love.
- Donate yourself or for your business,
- Use the carbon and share with friends to see what changes you could make to your footprint.
We thank you for your time and your valued custom, together we are stronger and we can make a difference.